Posted in personal

Sometimes Change is Good!

It’s the most unhappy people who most fear change.  ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic’s Notebook, 1966

The countdown ends!!

Tomorrow I start my first day at a new school! I am so excited to have a fresh start, to meet new people, new parents, new students, and new colleagues!

Sometimes Change is good!

Actually, change is always good because that is the nature of our reality.

I did not only change my job but i am also taking care of my health by going to the gym daily and eating healthy food! Having a healthy lifestyle is definitely the best change you can do!

This post reminds of the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert where she was seeking self discovery and a change in her life. By the way i’m still waiting for the movie to come out so I can watch it!!

Anyway so what i’m saying is if you are tired of routine, have been feeling down or something in your life is just not right then change is the answer. Try something new and don’t be afraid!

Wish me luck on my new job looking forward to sharing posts about my new school starting……Tomorrow 😀

Good night!

Miss Farah

Posted in children, food, health, nutrition, Parenting

Have your Child snack on raisins instead!

Since we brought up the topic of obesity in my previous post, here is an idea of what you can let your children snack on. Raisins!!

The health benefit of raisins is that they are an antioxidant. These help keep the blood clean and flowing. They get rid of all unclean impurities in the blood.

Raisins are also great for healthy gums and teeth. Though raisins are sticky and very sweet, they do not cause tooth decay ore gum disease.

Raisins are also a preventative measure for macular degeneration, which is the health of your eyesight. Just as carrots are good for your eyesight as are raisins. Overall, raisins help with eyesight, oral hygiene and they act as antioxidants. Raisins are sweet and great tasting and promote good health.

However do not give raisins to babies under 3 they may choke on it because it is very small in size and sticky which can cause them to get stuck in your child’s throat. To prevent that you can cut them into smaller pieces

Posted in health

Find your Health Personality Quiz!


I took this really cool health quiz that I would like you try out! Click on this link:



This is what I got! 😀

You are the picture of health!

Your Healthy Habits:
You lead a balanced life, eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising three times a week. Confident yet calm, you manage to keep up with all the health headlines without developing hypochondria. It’s inspiring!

Your Healthy Prescription:
Sometimes even the most balanced people can get in a rut. Why not shake up your regimen once in a while? Try kayaking or bike-riding instead of the gym. Treat yourself to dessert once in a while. Live a little. Monotony can quickly derail your health efforts.