Posted in Education, music, Schools

This Post is for my Students!

Yesterday was such an emotional day for us, we were watching a slideshow of all our memories throughout this year, then one of my students started crying. I hugged her tightly and told her you shouldn’t be sad these are happy memories that we will cherish forever. The slideshow included their pictures advice messages from me, our favorite activities, and a goodbye message . I also included music ” Time of Your Life”  by green Day, and “why do all good things come to an end”  by Nelly Furtado. Then I put an LCD projector turned off the lights and watched it on the big screen. Then I will copy this slideshow on a CD for each student to take home with them. Teachers that is a great idea to give your students as a gift.


To my students: I will miss you all dearly, and now it’s time for you to shine and grow. Show the world what you’ve got! We will meet again someday…oneday!

Posted in Schools, Students, Teachers

Why do some kids dislike school?

Ok it is true I am a teacher and students have this image of teachers that they loved school well it’s not true I actually hated it! I especially hated chemistry classes because the teacher was just vicious!! Teachers have  a very important role in making you love a subject or hate it! I used to hate school because of the waking up early and I’m not a morning person at all! Although I still do wake up early and for the record I wake up at 5:30 am everyday….yesss that’s the story of my life! Anyway kids dislike school for many reasons:

They are either bullied and someone is bothering them

– They might feel different or worry that you don’t have enough friends

– Sometimes it’s a problem with their classes and schoolwork.

– Or maybe the work is too hard, or they don’t feel as smart as the other kids

– They may be getting farther and farther behind, and it may seem like they’ll never catch up

Parents if you notice this problem with your kid always talk about it to the teacher or the school counselor to let them find out what the problem is.It’s especially important to tell an adult if the problem is that you’re being bullied or someone hurts you physically.

Special help is available if they need it. Try not to let the problems go on too long. It’s easier to catch up on one chapter than the whole book!

Posted in celebrities, disney, Education, Schools

Highschool Musical Obsession at Schools

I have mentioned in my previous post about the Hannah Montana Obsession at Schools, it turns out Highschool Musical is not so different after all!  Let’s have look at what kids’ stationary look like these days….These photos were taken from my classroom:

High School Musical bags


High School Musical Lunch Bag
High School Musical Pencil Case
High School Musical Folder
High School Musical Pen