Posted in celebrities, Haiti

Shakira to Build School for Needy Haiti Children

Hip-shaking Colombian pop star Shakira is meeting with Haitian earthquake survivors living in makeshift camps and she says she is searching for suitable land to build a school for needy children.

Arriving Sunday, the singer with Lebanese roots waved to onlookers and greeted infants living on a Haitian golf course that has turned into a sprawling makeshift camp for 50,000 quake survivors.

Her Barefoot foundation provides nutrition to more than 6,000 children in Colombia, and she is member of the ALAS foundation that advocates for children across Latin America.

Shakira was greeted by actor Sean Penn, who is providing humanitarian aid at Haitian refugee camps. The two stars spoke about challenges confronting Haiti since the Jan. 12 disaster.

Posted in celebrities, Parenting

Little girls in high heels: Cute or Inappropriate?

This topic got to my attention as many girls at this age like to wear their mommies heels for example. But having their own pair of heels at such a young age is in my opinion definitely inappropriate.

Suri Cruise, daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise

The trend does pose potential health risks.

“We’re dealing with a foot that’s in development, which means the muscles, the tendons and the ligaments are certainly not as strong at that age as they are at age 18,” said Dr. Rock Positano, a foot disorder specialist at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.

I think your child will look adorable in any shoe! And there’s tons of brands out there now that are making really adorable things. I don’t think a heel is what takes it over the top.

– There are plenty of brands that make flat shoes that young girls will wear, and she advised that parents involve the girls in the shopping process and emphasize the features — colors, glitter and bows — that may make flat shoes fun and appealing.

Posted in celebrities, disney, Education, Schools

Highschool Musical Obsession at Schools

I have mentioned in my previous post about the Hannah Montana Obsession at Schools, it turns out Highschool Musical is not so different after all!  Let’s have look at what kids’ stationary look like these days….These photos were taken from my classroom:

High School Musical bags


High School Musical Lunch Bag
High School Musical Pencil Case
High School Musical Folder
High School Musical Pen