Posted in Education

When Teachers and Parents meet for the very first time!

Yesterday was the day where I met the parents of my kids…It was a great and positive day, the parents were amazing and a bit nervous about the upcoming year.

Parents tend to be worried all the time, if you are a parent you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about… Some parents came up to me and informed me of their child‘s behavior in class or where she wants her child to sit. I smiled and nodded and was pleased to get all these information from them. Some teachers get annoyed by this but I on the other hand don’t, I love to communicate with them because after all I’m teaching their kids and they all want what’s best for their child.

It is very important for you to attend the parent’s orientation in the beginning of the year, if you do not have time then make some time it’s not going to take more than 2 hours. In the orientation you will get to meet your kid’s teacher, visit their class, learn about school policy and procedures, dress code, rules, what to expect in each subject.

Have a great year teachers and parents!

By the way tomorrow is our first day of school! Exciting!! I have to wake up early tomorrow so good night everyone!


I am a passionate teacher with 15 years teaching experience and a mother of 2. I am using this blog to share with parents and teachers posts that would be beneficial to them and to their children. Mainly tips, activity ideas and printables.

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