Posted in classrooms

My Classroom before its Makeover!

So today was the day I entered my class, my empty class in other words… I stared at it and started thinking of the right colors and the right arrangements and the seating ohh dear there’s just so much to do and soooo little time.

One year ago I posted about How to Feng Shui your Classroom and I was applying the same to my new classroom.

So first I had to think about the space because in feng shui it is very important to have spacious room so that the kids can move around easily.

No cluttering

The color red attracts the pupil’s attention, so i was thinking to put the red color over the whiteboard.

Bamboo plant will be placed on my desk after the decoration is over

Lighting is very important so shutters have to be always open to promote positive chi into the classroom.

I also decided to make it colorful so it can be more inviting to my students.

I have a balcony in my classroom just thought of showing it to you 🙂

Wish me luck on making my class inviting  🙂


I am a passionate teacher with 15 years teaching experience and a mother of 2. I am using this blog to share with parents and teachers posts that would be beneficial to them and to their children. Mainly tips, activity ideas and printables.

15 thoughts on “My Classroom before its Makeover!

    1. Yes I am teaching in Lebanon at the moment, I’d like to change every once in a while to check out other schools and different cultures 🙂

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