Posted in classrooms

What would you like to use in your class: Whiteboards or Chalkboards?



I personally prefer using whiteboards for many reasons but i will not mention them because I want to hear your opinion….

So what would you like to use in your classroom? Chalkboards or whiteboards please share your comments…



I am a passionate teacher with 15 years teaching experience and a mother of 2. I am using this blog to share with parents and teachers posts that would be beneficial to them and to their children. Mainly tips, activity ideas and printables.

8 thoughts on “What would you like to use in your class: Whiteboards or Chalkboards?

  1. Most schools have been using whiteboards, whiteboards aren’t messy or dusty , chalkboards are old school now…I would definitely use whiteboards…

    1. you’re absolutely right!…whiteboards are much better many children have been getting allergies from chalkboards

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